Us standing in front of a beach

Our favorite part of building wealth LIKE A BADASS is living a thriving life. There’s many different ways to build wealth, but our approach is to build a consistent practice of paying yourself first (so you make progress on your wealth journey every month) while living our best life at the same time.

We prioritize paying ourselves first with ~50% of our incomes every month. As soon as this money comes in, it goes to our savings & investing accounts. We don’t see it. We don’t factor it into my living expenses. With the rest, we thrive:



The reason we like this “pay yourself first, then live a thriving life” approach is because once you take care of yourself every month, you can put the money anxiety away and really enjoy your life. With this approach, you don’t have to spend hours budgeting. You don’t have to live very frugally now so you can only live fully when you retire. This approach to us is about balance. Balancing today YOU and future YOU. And this approach is personal. You can pick the “Pay Yourself First” amount that’s right for you to create this balance for yourself.

We hope this series helped you get started with your journey to Build Wealth Like a Badass. We post almost daily on @buildwealthlikeabadass so follow us there for more or if you want to chat about any questions.

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